Contact us


Please note that we’re unable to make calls outside the US and Canada


Shoreline Full gospel fellowship

15415 5th Ave NE

Shoreline, WA




Contact Form

Please read all instructions carefully so we may best assist you!

Got a question? A praise report? Send them our way!

Are you in need of prayer? We’re happy to pray for you! If you would like to be added to our prayer list, please email with your name and a little about the nature of your prayer request, and we will pray for you on Monday night at our corporate prayer meeting! Due to the large volume of requests we receive on a daily basis, and our limited resources, we may be unable to respond to you, but rest assured we are praying for you.

If you would like to receive a phone call for prayer, please fill out the contact form on this page. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to call everyone who sends in a request, we will do the best we are able. In the message box be sure to include your name, phone number, location, and the nature of your prayer request, and also specify that you would like to receive a call. Please note that we are unable to place calls outside the US and Canada. If you are not located in either of these regions, please email and we will be happy to pray for you!

We will make calls in the order in which they are received. Due to the large volume of requests we receive on a daily basis, and our limited resources, we cannot know how long it will take us to call you. Calls will be made on Mondays from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm PST. If we call you and you are unable to take our call, we will try again the following week. If we are unable to connect with you two weeks in a row, we will add you to our prayer list and pray for you on Monday night at our corporate prayer meeting!

We consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to pray for so many of our brothers and sisters from all around the world!