
Healing Service Sunday October 6th @ 6:30PM


Healing Service Sunday October 6th @ 6:30PM 〰️

OCTOber Healing Service

Good news!

On Sunday October 6th at 6:30PM we’re going to have a healing service here at the church! Our services will not be enforcing any capacity limits or practicing physical distancing, or mask requirements. If you’re experiencing any respiratory issues or have a contagious illness we ask that you remain home.

upcoming worship playlist

Hey! Listen! Here is our current play list for our Sunday service worship set. The lineup will be updated weekly! Have a listen to where God is leading us in worship, and sing along when you attend on Sunday!

Unlocking Kingdom power class

Unlocking Kingdom Power Training!

Free training in Identity and Authority! Learn how to activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit and minister the miraculous to a spiritually starved world. Pastor Tom Loud teaches based on the principles found in his book "Unlocking Kingdom Power".